Higher Intensity Supports

Higher Intensity Supports

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Higher intensity supports are designed to cater to the needs of individuals who have high and complex support requirements, which can include those with disabilities, mental illness, and chronic health conditions. These supports are personalized to meet each individual's specific needs and can include assistance with daily living tasks, personal care, and community engagement. The settings in which these supports can be provided include the individual's home, community-based facilities, and residential care settings. Assistive technology such as communication devices or mobility aids can also be incorporated into these supports.

The goal of higher intensity supports is to enable individuals to live as independently as possible and achieve their goals and aspirations.

In some cases, a higher intensity support may be necessary when an individual's complex needs require a support worker with higher-level qualifications and experience in addressing complex needs. For instance, a participant with challenging behaviour due to a respiratory condition or unstable seizure activity will need a support worker who can provide positive behavioural support and/or active physical support due to their higher level of need.