Complex Care Nursing

Complex Care Nursing

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Complex care nursing is a specialized field of nursing that caters to individuals with complex medical needs, such as chronic illnesses, disabilities, or injuries. Complex care nurses work closely with patients, their families, and other healthcare professionals to develop a comprehensive care plan. This can involve monitoring vital signs, administering medication, wound care, and educating patients and their families about their medical conditions and treatments.

They may also coordinate care with other healthcare providers, such as physical therapists or social workers. To deliver specialized care, complex care nurses require advanced knowledge and skills in managing complex medical conditions.

The ultimate goal of complex care nursing is to enhance the health outcomes and quality of life of individuals with complex medical needs. At True Will, our team of registered, enrolled, and assistant nurses collaborate with participants, their families, and caregivers to achieve their healthcare goals. Our senior registered nurses have extensive experience in critical care, surgical, medical, and community health. We provide community nursing care services that enable participants to receive care in the comfort of their own homes, reducing anxiety and enhancing well-being. Our proactive approach includes regular visits to prevent health deterioration and address any concerns before they become more severe, without requiring the participant and carer to travel.

To ensure a comprehensive care plan, our team conducts a thorough assessment of each participant's health status, level of care required, and necessary medical interventions. We work in partnership with doctors, allied health specialists, and hospital discharge teams as appropriate. Our nursing team not only possesses the necessary qualifications and experience but also demonstrates compassion and empathy, aligning with True Will's values of inclusiveness and cultural sensitivity. We prioritize each individual's needs in every interaction.

Our Complex care and community nursing team offers a range of services, such as:
  • Our team provides nurse visits and comprehensive assessments.
  • We offer overnight nursing care services.
  • We provide care after hospital stays to ensure a smooth transition back home.
  • Our palliative care nursing services focus on providing comfort and support to individuals with life-limiting illnesses.
  • Our team develops personalized care plans for each participant based on their unique needs and goals.
  • We provide continence support, which includes assessments, recommendations for aids and equipment, and training support.
  • We manage urinary catheters, including indwelling urinary catheters (suprapubic and urethral) and intermittent catheters.
  • We offer enteral support, including naso-gastric tubes (jejunum or duodenum) and feeding assistance and management.
  • Our respiratory support services aim to help individuals manage breathing difficulties and improve their quality of life.
  • We administer subcutaneous injections as part of our nursing care services.
  • We provide wound care services, including assessment, treatment, and management.
  • Our team manages tracheostomy care to help individuals breathe more comfortably and safely.
  • We offer diabetes management services to help individuals manage their condition and prevent complications.
  • Our dementia management services aim to improve the quality of life for individuals living with dementia and their families.